Electrical Systems Installation Experience
Extensive installation experience with multiple renewable energy power systems including photovoltaic, concentrating PV, solar thermal, combined heat and power, and municipal solid waste to energy.
Northern & Southern NJ Electrical Install & Testing
Principal Electrician and testing lead for over 20MW of PV systems in New Jersey. Responsible for fixing 12 systems that were offline and not working properly. Tested all DC and AC systems to determine why each system wasn’t working. Installed new combiner boxes, tested inverters, and recommissioned each system.
China Lake Naval Weapons Air Station, Weapons Test Hanger
520-kW Rooftop PV Supervisor of Electrical Work. Worked with base engineers, prime contractor, and naval project Sustainability | Simplified™managers to provide turn-key electrical and structural installation for multiple buildings and carport projects. PV projects were located within the sphere of influence of the airfield authority.
Expert Witness for 1MW Rooftop Analysis
Analyzed, re-wired and tested inverter performance output and stringing configuration for a 1MW rooftop project that had performance issues. Reviewed existing construction, performed IV curve tracing on strings, and provided technical presentations on system performance and construction deficiencies during client mediations and legal testimony.
DiMare Company, Agricultural Packing Facility
Electrical Superintendent for a 330-kW rooftop and carport mounted PV project. Managed the construction team from electrical DC to AC installation. San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians, Valley View Casino & Hotel – 1-MW Solar Farm, Electrician for a 1-MW single axis tracker system on tribal land adjacent to the Harrah’s Casino in Valley Center California. Interconnection lead electrician.
Fort Mojave Indian Reservation | Utility Scale Solar Thermal Facility Planning
1000-MW, worked with tribal council and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to study the applicability and feasibility of locating a large solar thermal facility on fallow farm land that is no longer producing alfalfa.
Sol Orchard – Imperial I, Isolux Corsan
Electrical installation team for a 25-MW single axis tracker utility scale system in the California Imperial Valley. Responsible for turn-key engineering design. Company acted as Engineer of Record and provided full electrical, civil and structural permitting. Coordinated plan package assembly for multi-discipline engineering team. Provided support during construction for engineering questions.
Adera Solar Farm, Commercial Solar Power
Electrical Systems Manager for a 26-MW singlProject management experience includes projects with Department of Defense, Division of State Architect (DSA), CalTrans, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E, and California municipalities.
1.124-MW PV System, Clos Du Bois Winery
Electrician for multi-type PV system including roof mount, ground mount, and carport. Design included electrical, structural, and mechanical. Full interconnection and commissioning validation was conducted to ensure proper system performance.
50-kW Roof Mount PV System
Project Manager for LEED-Gold Performing Arts Center. Provided full engineering design and permitting package to DSA.
580-kW PV System, Ravenswood Winery
Project Manager for multi-type PV system including roof mount and ground mount systems. Design included electrical, structural, and mechanical. Also, full interconnection and commissioning validation was conducted to ensure proper system performance.
1-MW PV System, GM Distribution Center
Design Engineer. Included system sizing, current facility power usage analysis, data acquisition system design, and annual PV system performance modeling. Conducted extensive system
acceptance test that measured actual system output versus expected output.
750-kW PV System, Convention Center
Design Engineer. Included panel layout, system sizing, current facility power usage analysis, BOS design, data acquisition system design, and system modeling. Handled procurement of laminates, inverters, and data acquisition system components.
Permitting Study for Solar Thermal Power Plant, Mojave Desert
Conducted preliminary permitting study for development of 1000-MW solar thermal power plant. Site Sustainability | Simplified™ assessment of primary power block and all associated linears, including 15 mile transmission corridor, water supply pumps, and natural gas distribution system.
DOE, Zero-Energy
Project Engineer for design and development of PV powered Zero-Energy Home. Managed team of multi-disciplinary engineers and architects. Also modeled the thermal envelope, electrical loads, and hot water needs to quantify monthly and yearly energy use. Responsible for project budget and timeline for design and procurement of 4.9-kW photovoltaic system.
Food Manufacturer, Production Facility
Conducted electrical installation of solar thermal oil-heating loop to augment facility’s natural gas usage.